What does the bible mean by abundance/fullness of Life?

A rise in prosperity teaching within the Body of Messiah has comfused people to what the Kingdom of God actually is and what it looks like.  In over-emphasising the physical the enemy ensures that our spiritual senses remain dull so that we are not able to enter into the TRUE promises of fullness and abundance of life promised to us by the Messiah.

This video explores what I believe is true abundance and fullness of life and I pray that it will be a blessing to you.

Don’t forget to follow my ministry website ‘On the Road to Healing’ where I share footsteps of the journey leading towards true healing and wholeness.  If you enjoy this teaching you will  also be blessed by what I share on this website.

Shalom in Messiah

9 thoughts on “What does the bible mean by abundance/fullness of Life?

  1. Oh, Achama! I love this! I love getting to see you and hear you, and I love your message…God’s message of love and life in Jesus! Thank you for this. It is a very special message. I pray many will watch and listen and hear the call of Jesus to come to Him and receive life!!
    Love and blessings in Christ,

    1. Hi Natalie,

      so nice to hear from you 🙂 I am glad that the message spoke to you. There is a lot of delusion and pain in the world, and people in the body of Christ are wondering why they’re not receiving the ‘abundant Life’ that Yeshua promises us but I know that the true life which He speaks of is there ready and waiting for us if we just believe and let it in. This is a new revelation for me, but one that I intend to fully experience by God’s grace.


  2. It was nice to get to know you a little better via your video…you are lovely – inside and out…I think it is hard when life is hard here on earth to remember that Jesus said He is the Resurrection and the Life and what He promises abundantly is His presence and His love not that life will be abundant from a material standpoint. He may bless in that way or not, but that is not the key focus of His promise. Blessings and a big HUG to you, Achama )

  3. How nice to be able to see you and hear you! I feel as if I know you better now.

    There is a lot of wisdom in what you shared, Achama! I hate the false teachings to are being tossed around. They are hurting people!

    I have been considering the idea of making videos and/or podcasts, but you beat me to it! I love it!

  4. God bless u my sis. God message through u has been a blessing to me and my ministry. Midnight God told me is your message l should preach.l prayer that the anointing of God upon your life we not run dry in Jesus name. Remind bless.

  5. Thank you for your faith Achama! You had some very good things to say and I very much appreciated your insights concerning life…It is so true, Jesus came to bring us…the very life of God in whom we can have fellowship. Peace and grace tony

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