Versatile and Blessed Blogger Awards

Versatile blogger and Blessed Blogger Awards

January has already been a month of highs and lows, but I know that even in those moments of grey God is preparing a technicolour blessing for me just around the corner. One of these blessings arrived in the form of a nomination for the versatile blogger award by Martha L Shaw from In Love with the Lord, which I am extremely thankful for particularly because it was so… unexpected. I have been thinking quite a bit about how much I actually enjoy blogging and being part of the blogging community, I feel that it is another avenue of catharsis for me and in addition it has provided me with the opportunity to meet so many new people who I already love in Messiah and admire greatly. Even though I personally don’t really think that I am a versatile blogger, I do hope that my blog has been a blessing to others and this led me to think about each one of you that has blessed me in so many ways. I know that part of receiving this award is to nominate a set number of other bloggers who I believe are versatile bloggers but to be honest, I’m not so much interested in versatility but as to how much I’ve received just by allowing me to be a part of your blog life.

So in addition to nominating the following bloggers for the versatile blogger awards, I would also like to award you with the Blessed Blogger badge simply because you bless me.

Versatile Blogger Award

Nominees and awards for Versatile (Blessed) Bloggers (NB: I know there are rules for nominating people, but I’m changing the rules a bit to make it optional for you to nominate others or write about yourself if you so wish – I don’t believe in chains etc.)

  1. Amy Layne Litzelman – for having a beautiful heart that is so focused on being close to our Creator.
  2. Ronnie Dauber – for making me stronger in my faith and healing walk.
  3. Jeannie Pallett– for blessing me through her creativity.
    1. I am particularly grateful to the above three ladies for contributing to the On the Road to Healing booklet (digital version available at Amazon)
  4. Dolly @ Soul Stops – for being a friend and having a heart that loves and shares.
  5. Abigail @ Beit Shalom – for also being a friend, for praying for me when things get rough and inspiring me in your own ministry.
  6. Dimitra @ Loving Ministry – for being there for me to talk to when things get rough and for supporting me in my own ministry.
  7. Richard L. Rice – for nuggets of wisdom and sharing thoughts and hurts every single day to enable others to grow.
  8. Colleen @ Women’s ministry – for being so consistent in bringing the word to uplift and encourage others every single day.
  9. Processing the Word – for always praying for the needs of God’s people
  10. Heather C. King – for words that cause me to examine myself continuously.
  11. Rhoda @ Living to Please God – for being there and taking the time to get to know me even though we use a different blogging platform which makes it 10 times more difficult to communicate… plus you are also based in the UK! (hosts UK blog hop fellowship every Friday)
  12. Estrella @ His Infinite Grace – for sharing her miraculous story and being a light to guide the broken back to our Saviour.
  13. Jen @ Soli Deo Gloria and
  14. Joan @ Grace Cafe for hosting fantastic blog hops and praying for the needs of fellow bloggers so conscientiously each and every week no matter what life throws your way.

Thank you deeply for blessing me, may your cup overflow in Yeshua’s name.

To nominate others either click on the image and copy the html code into your post OR right-click, save and upload to your server.

Not so random things about me

I also have to provide random bits of information about myself so here goes:

  1. I love nature and being outdoors, I feel most at peace when I can feel the earth under my feet, the wind in my face, when I can see the leaves on the trees dancing and hear the birds talking.
  2. I used to be really adventurous and outdoorsy before I fell ill, I remember going to Madeira on holiday by myself it was scary but it was my first ‘holiday’ so I did it anyway! I’m hoping that the spirit of freedom and exploration will come back to me again one day.
  3. I love singing and praising God, it is a huge shame to me that my voice often lets me down.
  4. I am a qualified psychology teacher, I used to believe that psychology could explain all aspects of human behaviour but now I know that ignores the most fundamental part of who we are … a soul longing to be reunited with its creator. I no longer teach mainstream psychology.
  5. I am in the process of writing a book on what God has taught me about health and wellness, I am currently on 40,000 words.
  6. I am the eldest child of Nigerian parents.
  7. I met my hubby when I was 18, we have been together now for nearly 13 years.
  8. November to February is torturous for me; I really can’t stand the cold so as soon as I’m able I would like to emigrate to somewhere hot.

If you’ve read this far thanks for sticking with me, you might want to check out some of the amazing posts the awardees/nominees have recently published.

Blessings in Messiah Yeshua

13 thoughts on “Versatile and Blessed Blogger Awards

  1. Hi Vessel of God. Thank you for this nomination and especially for your kind personal words to each nominee. That is really precious and not something I’ve seen anyone do before. I am blessed by your heart of gratitude!

    I also love that you shared some personal bits for us 🙂 You are a precious, unique, beautiful woman of God! I am looking forward to getting to know you more and reading more on your blog.

    I pray for God’s blessings and guidance for you as you continue to write your book – that it will be His words and that He will use it as a tool to bring many to Him, the Healer of our minds, bodies and souls.

    Blessings in Christ,
    Natalie (wordprocessor)

  2. Florence,
    I have been touched many times by your sharing about your walk with our Lord. Thank you. And I really enjoyed reading the random things about you, above 🙂 God bless and continue to keep you.

  3. Florence, thank you for the Blessed Blogger badge but most of all thank you for inviting me to share in your ministry booklet. I trust that God will use the words therein to soften hearts and draw His beloved children back to Himself.

  4. Dear Florence,

    Thank you for sharing about each person and about yourself…I enjoyed getting to know you better and I pray that you are feeling better and that God will use your book to encourage others. I am very impressed that you are at 40,000 words…WOW! You are a very kind person and I am inspired by your desire to take what you have learned to help others. Much love to you, my friend 🙂

    Thanks for letting me know about the rules because I didn’t know about them the last time I was nominated, I didn’t know I was supposed to do anything…Yikes!

  5. Thank you so much for giving me this award! I love your heart to bless others and you do so often in this space. I didn’t know you were writing a book. I think that is so fabulous!

  6. Thanks you Florence! I was surprised and humbled at the same time to hear your words of kindness and encouragement! You are a true blessing and it was wonderful learning more about you in your tidbits! I will have to go out and find out more about the VB! Blessings,

  7. Florence – thank you so much for thinking of me. I do appreciate it. I enjoyed learning a little more about you. I especially relate to #1 and #3. I absolutley love being outdoors and often feel closest to God when surrounded by the beauty of His creation. I also like to sing, but it can’t really even be called a joyful noise. 🙂

    Many blessings to you!

  8. Hi Florence, thank you for your nomination and kind words! I like how you changed the rules 🙂 I am sorry that November to February is so hard for you, I hope you can move somewhere warmer. I didn’t know the blogging platform being different made it so hard to communicate. Is that because of the blogger comments being difficult? We sound a lot a like – I also love nature and being outdoors, and singing 🙂

  9. Thank you, Florence! What an honor to be called “friend” and “inspiring”. I sure don’t feel very inspiring right now as I am going through struggles. But then, life will always be full of struggles. Right? I think YOU are an inspiration!

    I, too, appreciate how you took the time to write a few words about why each of us is special to you. What grace you have!

    I am not sure what I am supposed to do next, though! My PTSD brain is struggling to put two and two together. So, let me just say “thank you”! 🙂


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